Saturday, November 3, 2012

My little bro and Natalie

This is my little brother helping Natalie skate.  Isn't this adorable!


  1. Love what you did with your blog so cute ;)

    1. Thanks! I worked on it like all night last night!! I really like how it turned out - now I just need to figure out how to up more widgets and personalize it more..

  2. Replies
    1. THANKS Meg!!! Every time I look at this pic I say AWWW hehehe

  3. Thanks! I don't go on there very much...I need to though! When I go n I'll look for you!

  4. Hi! :) I love your blog!

    ~ Jess

  5. I love your you tube page the back round is so cute. I hope you can get to do a Christmas AGSM I think that it would be so funny my doll house is not started yet but I hope in the new year. my pet just died last Monday he was 12 years old but he had skin cancer for a long time and the last week of November he couldn't breath and he was suffering so we had to put him down he was my baby and did ever thing with me so I bean really sad the last week. I am starting to feel better I watch some of your vids and it mad me LOL. ;D I just redid my blog for the holidays if you go look at it I hope you like it. p.s. can you maybe follow my blog if you can I really love your blog.

  6. Lucky!! My cousins brother doesn't help her AG dolls! just throws them around

  7. I wish I could get my little brother to do that with one of my dolls! ♥Mimi♥

  8. That is just too cute!!!!! I have a little sister, who also has some AG dolls.


Columbus Princesses

Columbus Princesses
Sophiah Juliyah Molliegh